Fullstack (Angular, Node.js) Developer

  • Information Technology
  • Full time
  • 2 years ago
  • USA

Job Information

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    Job Experience : 2 year

Job Description

As member of our delivery team, you will work closely with project managers to develop new functionality. Your will spend most of the time designing and implementing UI using Angular with Node.js/REST based backend. From time to time, you will be asked to join customer calls to listen in.

Proficiency in JavaScript
Experience in Angular, jQuery and node.js
Knowledge of SQL and O/R mapping frameworks
Familiarity with REST and integration concepts
Experience working according to Agile methodologies (sprints, retrospects, etc.)
Communicative English
Ability to work in an international environment
Flexibility and ability to work closely with deployment teams in various time zones

Nice To Have
Experience using IntelliJ Idea development environment
Familiarity with Atlassian applications: JIRA, Bitbucket, Confluence
Experience with Heroku and Cloud Connect


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